
Thursday Aug 13, 2020

Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Lisa Allen from Advisor 2x - Giving Back
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Sunday Jun 21, 2020
Chief Revenue Officer at Advisor2X Lisa Allen talked to us about giving back and "getting proximate" during their conferences and working with kids in the local community on financial literacy and exposing them to the financial services industry.

Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Jeanne Fisher shares her 401k marketing secret sauce
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
Wednesday Jun 17, 2020
One of the hardest working financial advisors you'll ever meet. She shares with us her mindset that helps her kill it in the 401k space.

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Thomas Clark - PPP Pittfalls for Plans
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
We love this guy, he's litigating ERISA Attorney that speaks straight and cuts to the heart of confusing issues. If it was up to us, this show would have been 5 hours (and if his kid wasn't pulling on his sleeve).

Sunday May 17, 2020
Sal Tripodi - The ERISA God!
Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
One our of favorite guest, an absolute legend in the TPA world, the man with all the answers, SAL (fricken) TRIPODI.
You'd think somebody so smart could avoid saying the Prohibited Word 50 times, but I guess not.

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Matthew Wolniewicz - 401k Financial Advisors Marketing Post Pandemic
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Matthew Wolniewicz, President of Fi360 took a break from watching the draft, and talked to the Retireholiks about what advisors did for their clients during the pandemic is going to be Publish now a great talking point to a prospect in a post pandemic point of sale.

Friday May 01, 2020
Steps for Financial Advisors to take online.
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
#10 Samantha Russell walks us through actions financial advisors should be taking during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The top 3 are super critical.
1. Check all outgoing scheduled communications for anything tone def to Covid-19
2. Update contact info on website, if how people reach you has changed during this time.
3. Check 'Google My Business' and make sure it's the information you want people to see for your business.

Friday May 01, 2020
Coronavirus Impact on Recordkeepers
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Bill Harmon of Voya Financial on what they are seeing with CRD's (Coronavirus-Related Distribution), and why they took the step to waive their fees on CRD processing.
Voya had a fast transition to working at home, is the Coronavirus going to change how they or other recordkeepers do business in the future?

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
401k's future, better with Trump or Biden?
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
John Sullivan - Editor-in-Chief of 401kSpecialist Magazine came down from his crystal tower to hang out in the gutter. We talk Trump vs Biden for the health of 401k, and JD tells John how to run his business.

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Alex Assaley AIF - Talking to your clients in a pandemic.
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
One of our favorite guest, Alex Assaley popped in, to let us know what he was doing to service his clients during this tumultuous time in our lives.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Rick Unser - What a post pandemic 'Point of Sale' meetings should look like.
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
401k Fridays podcast (go subscribe right now) host Rick Unser zoomed in with the Retireholiks to discuss a variety of topics.

Friday Apr 10, 2020
Sheltering In Place - Guest: Nevin Adams
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Nevin Adams joined us to discuss some of the latest emergency details of the CARES Act, and the provisions the ARA wants plan sponsors and participants to know about.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Jania Stout - Sheltering In Place - Retireholi(k)s
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
As we're all on lock down because of the Coronavirus, we had Jania Stout (The 4 billion dollar woman) come on a Zoom meeting and discuss some of what's going on.

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Sal Tripodi - 20th Annual Hawaii ERISA update Seminar
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
401k industry legend Sal Tripodi came on the show to close out the 20th Annual Hawaiian ERISA Update seminar. We talk Secure Act expansion of Safe Harbor rules. What can be done to get the younger generation to save more, how bigger fund menus might be a mistake, and what TPA's should ready themselves for introduction of Open MEP (Multi Employer Plan).
Thank you to PensionPro, Millennium Trust, Penchecks, Spectrum Pension Consultants, Inc. for having us out!